Guild Rules

These rules are basic and are subject to change as we think of new ones or are forced to implement any.

 Please Be Active!
(Refer to the forums if you can't for any reason. If you are not active you will be kicked after 1 month.)

Be Respectful To All Guild Mates!

Do Not BEG For Items/Golds/Help.
(Just ask nicely.)

Do NOT harass your guild mates if they can not help you at that moment in time.

Please try not to use any vulgar language in game, in the chat box or in the forums. As for the Raid Call, there is a designated channel to go to so please use it.

Please sign up to the forum with your in game character name to avoid too much confusion. This is optional of course.

Absolutely no hacking or botting of any kind! If we suspect you of this you will be auto kicked from the clan!

Please have fun and enjoy the game~

Thank You For Following The Rules!