Saturday, April 14, 2012


Recruiting people hasn't been as easy as the first day. However on the brighter side almost every current member that has joined Midnight has already started getting to know each other.

They are all helping each other out and are so friendly; we are proud to have them as our members.

This is truly a great start for the ideals that we have set for Midnight.

I'm sure everything else will fall into place once it gets closer to Open Beta and if not? We can always try recruiting people in game, though that is the very last resort since we all want to get to know everyone first.


  1. i wouldnt worry about recruiting people ^.^ its still early people probably think they have awhile to join guilds and they still do

    afterall midnight is certain its time will come

    1. Haha I hope you're right :)

      Thanks! I feel more confident now!
