Sunday, April 29, 2012


Song of the day~

Please welcome our newest member: Fumbi!

With him we are now at 26 members! With only 4 slots left~ we are a steadily growing force to be reckoned with.

Keep up the great work everyone!

I'm in the process of making something that will hopefully make the guild even better than it already is.

Let's hope it all goes well~

1 comment:

  1. =O Thanks for visiting my blog, and yeah, Sankarea is now an anime and is very interesting thus far. Though out of all the anime Ive watched recently within the month, Mirai Nikki takes the cake. It's just sooo different from what Im used to watching, it's that awsome and I definately recommend it to anyone looking for a new Anime to watch. Btw, is this Aria? xD High chances of me re-joining yall, but I won't know for sure until the 10th. It's ok if you guys manage to fill up the slots then, I can wait if i do decide to re-join. Thanks again for visiting my blog, hope to re-join yall soon. Take care =3
